Friday, August 26, 2016



Diarrhea: Change in normal bowel movements characterized by increase in frequency, water content or volume of stools ≥3 episodes/day or at least 250 g/stool per day
Acute diarrhea: Diarrhea lasting <14 days duration
Persistent diarrhea: Diarrhea lasting ≥14 days
Chronic diarrhea: Diarrhea lasting ≥30 days
Infectious diarrhea: Diarrhea of infectious origin (bacterial, viral, protozoal) & is usually associated w/ symptoms of nausea & vomiting (N/V) & abdominal cramps

Saturday, December 5, 2015



Thyrotoxicosis is the clinical syndrome that results from elevated levels of circulating thyroid hormones
Hyperthyroidism (thyroid overactivity, thyrotoxicosis) is common, affecting perhaps 2–5% of all females at some time and with a sex ratio of 5:1, most often between the ages of 20 and 40 years


Thyroid hormone increases oxygen consumption by tissues, raising heat production and energy metabolism. It interacts with the sympathetic nervous system in a way that seems to increase tissue sensitivity to catecholamines and adrenergic stimuli (Tachycardia and extremity tremor are the examples of catecholamines hypersensitivity)

Saturday, November 7, 2015


The Principle Effects of The Thyroid Hormones

Primary Effects
  1. Aerobic energy metabolism
  2. Glucose metabolism
  3. Protein metabolism
  4. Lipid metabolism
  5. Iron transport
Secondary Effects
  1. Growth/Development
  2. Cardiac output
  3. Ventilation
  4. CNS activity
  5. Thermoregulation (Heat regulation)
  6. Muscle function
  7. GI activity
  8. Reproductive function
Hypothyroidism is a clinical syndrome caused by deficiency of thyroid hormones
The onset of symptoms is usually insidious, and the condition may go undetected for years

Wednesday, October 21, 2015



Histological features of cirrhosis (3)
  • Diffuse distortion of the basic architecture
  • Replacement of normal liver parenchyma with scar tissue and fibrosis
  • Formation of regenerative nodules
Stage 1 cirrhosis is compensated and asymptomatic, can last for 10-20 yr with almost normal life
Stage 2 cirrhosis is the onset of first decompensation, typically development of ascites (most
common), variceal bleeding, encephalopathy, etc.

Macroscopic appearance
Consistency hard, sharp inferior edge, dysmorphia: atrophy > hypertrophic
Irregular size: micro nodules (<3mm) and macro nodules (> 3 mm) regeneration
Microscopic appearance
Mutilating fibrosis ring replacing the normal parenchyma
Regenerating nodules limited by fibrosis / diffuse lesions

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Chronic renal failure is defined as a reduction for over 3 months of the filtration of waste with any evidence of kidney damage (in early stage), which glomerular filtration rate: GFR < 60 ml/min according to Gault and Cockcroft, or 60 ml/mn/1.73m2 as MDRD formula

Cockroft-Gault equation
Cr. Cl (mL/min) = (140 – age) x weight / 72 x S. Cr (x 0.85, if female)

Risk factors

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


A. Physiological Proteinuria

Every day, 10 to 15 kg of serum proteins pass through the kidney, but only 100 to 150 mg are excreted in the urine in 24 hours
The glomerular capillary wall opposes to the filtration effect of these proteins, and the proximal tubule reabsorbs the great amount of filtered proteins
In the normal state, 60% of urinary proteins excreted from plasma proteins: they are mainly low weight proteins molecular (lysozyme, β-2 macroglobulin); the remaining 40% come from the tubular secretion uromodulin (Tamm-Horsfall protein) and urothelium of the urinary tract


BPH: Benign and diffuse hyperplasia of prostate
Anatomy review
Prostate lies immediately inferior to the bladder, posterior to the pubic symphysis and anterior to the rectum. It is a gland, consisting of a median lobe (Central lobe) and two lateral lobes (Peripheral lobe), that surrounds the neck of the bladder and the urethra in the male
Diameter of 2 x 4 x 3 cm, and weighing about 15-20 g, and enclosed in a fibrous capsule containing smooth muscle fibers in its inner layer
The gland secretes a thin, opalescent, slightly alkaline fluid that forms part of the seminal fluid. No endocrine function
(Gray's Atlas of Anatomy)