Wednesday, October 21, 2015



Histological features of cirrhosis (3)
  • Diffuse distortion of the basic architecture
  • Replacement of normal liver parenchyma with scar tissue and fibrosis
  • Formation of regenerative nodules
Stage 1 cirrhosis is compensated and asymptomatic, can last for 10-20 yr with almost normal life
Stage 2 cirrhosis is the onset of first decompensation, typically development of ascites (most
common), variceal bleeding, encephalopathy, etc.

Macroscopic appearance
Consistency hard, sharp inferior edge, dysmorphia: atrophy > hypertrophic
Irregular size: micro nodules (<3mm) and macro nodules (> 3 mm) regeneration
Microscopic appearance
Mutilating fibrosis ring replacing the normal parenchyma
Regenerating nodules limited by fibrosis / diffuse lesions

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Chronic renal failure is defined as a reduction for over 3 months of the filtration of waste with any evidence of kidney damage (in early stage), which glomerular filtration rate: GFR < 60 ml/min according to Gault and Cockcroft, or 60 ml/mn/1.73m2 as MDRD formula

Cockroft-Gault equation
Cr. Cl (mL/min) = (140 – age) x weight / 72 x S. Cr (x 0.85, if female)

Risk factors